
Behind the ScenesBTS
Communication, Perception and the MediaCPM
Current AffairsCA
Democracy Throughout the SystemDTS
Did 9/11 Change the WorldD9/11
From Theory to PracticeFTP
Normality QuestionnaireNQ
OST, Environments and the FutureOEF
Perspectives on Science and Other TheoriesPSO
The Genotypical Design Principles and Democratizing OrganizationsGPD
War, Peace and DefenceWPD

A Case Study in Setting Organizational Objectives1977FED
A Choice of Futures: To Enlighten or Inform1976F&MCPM
Action Research1990 PSO
Again, Screens Inhibit Learning: It’s the Medium Not the Message2025MCPM
A New Universal Principle? Yes, It’s DP2 Again – With Numbers2024MGPD
A Patchwork of Contradictions and Confusions: Inside the Software Industry2023MCA
A Profession Confronts its Future1977FOEF
Are There Universal Principles Governing Architecture in the Mechanical, Biological and Social Realms? The Evidence so Far.2003MGPD
A Tavistock Anthology:
Vol II: The Socio-Technical Perspective and
Vol III: The Socio-Ecological Perspective
Basic Propositions of Social Systems Thinking1984FBTS
BOJE, G.A. Interview for J. of Technology & Management1997FPSO
‘Bowling for Columbine’: So Why is the USA So Insecure?2003MOEF
Brief Refutation of Efforts to Establish a Third Organizational Design Principle2022MGPD
Change, Resistance to It in the Software Industry and Overcoming It2023MCA
Comments on Eilon’s Editorial The Quality of Working Life1976FGPD
Comments on Notes From K. Koffka: Problems in the Psychology of Art1961FBTS
Communication, Perception and the Media (Intro)2018MCPM
Contradiction and Contextualism: An Exploration1988FPSO
Contradictions at the Heart of America’s Democracy2024MCA
Democracy in the Workplace: The Regulation of Semi-Autonomous Work Groups1983?FGPD
Democracy Throughout the System (Intro)1993MDTS
Democratizing Organizationsn.d.MGPD
Did 9/11 Change the World? Tracking the Future2021MD9/11
Digital Technologies, the State of the Social Environment and the Human Mind2023MCA
Directions in Secondary Education: A Statistical Evaluation1986FED
Directive Correlation for Planning, Explanation and Prediction2022MOEF
Dissipative Structures and Complex Environments1982FPSO
Economics as a Systems Science1996FPSO
Education and Dialogue1988FED
Education –intro to sectionn.d.MED
Educational Paradigms: An Epistemological Revolution1980FCPM
Fiction vs Reality: Compete Unto Death vs Cooperate to Survive: Human Nature vs B=PxE.2020MGPD
Fred Emery: Creator of Timeless Work From a Timeless Land2016MBTS
Fred Emery’s Notes on Field Theory –Review of Lewin1990FPSO
 -Field theory, truth and beauty1995FPSO
 -Reminiscences of J F Brown1994FPSO
Freedom From Hunger – Some Obserservations1977OEF
Further Learnings About Participative Design: Diversity and Flexibility1988MGPD
Futures We’re In1977 1998FOEF
Getting to Grips with the Great ‘Small Group’ Conspiracy1978ML-F
Hookway on Peirce: An Overviewn.d.FPSO
How Fred and Merrelyn Emery Didn’t Get into The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers2018M with Don deGuerre & Philip DeeringBTS
Human Resources Available to Service a National Program for Improvement in the Quality of Work Life1976FGPD
Human Resources Management1990FGPD
Ideological or Idea-Logical1977FPSO
Industrial Democracy and Regional Decentralization1976FDTS
Industrial Democracy and the CAEs: An Overview1977FED
Industry Councils: Comments on One Aspect of the Jackson Report1976FDTS
Integrating Two-by-Two and Letter1986FPSO
Letter to Dr. David Wadley  PSO
Introduction to Laissez-faire: The Third Option That Completes the Organizational Design Set2018ML-F
Introduction to OST, Environments and the Future2019MOEF
Introduction to Participative Design for Participative Democracy1989MGPD
Introduction to Participative Design for Participative Democracy1993MGPD
Introduction to Perspectives on Science and Other Theories2018MPSO
Introduction to PhD2019MCPM
Jaques’ Concept of Requisite Organization1990FPSO
Job Design and Industrial Democracy1977FGPD
Lecture 181991FDTS
Letter to Al re: Signs Becoming Sighs1982FPSO
Letter to Arn1988FED
Letter to Arn1988FWPD
Letter to Eric Trist: After 5th College and K.R. Plan1961FBTS
Letter to Ian Burns re: Education Invitation1988FED
Letter to Jim Turner re: Changing Definitions of Education1988FED
Letter to John Barton re: Systems Thinking1995FPSO
Letter to John Raven re: Choice of Futures1987FOEF
Letter to Oguz Baburoglu1987FBTS
 -Second Letter to Oguz Baburoglu1987FBTS
Letter to Per: Development in Norway1987FBTS
Letter to Professor Greer1987FGPD
Letter to Robert Kleiner1988FPSO
Letter to SA Wheelan re: Advances in Field Theory1990FPSO
Letters to Hans Van Beinum1990FGPD
Limits to Choice
Part One: Youth – Vangard, Victims or the New Vandals…?

Part Two: Talking Past Each Other

Part Three: The Fifth Wave? Embarking on the Next Forty Years
Management by Objectives1990FGPD
Managing the Learning – In Search Conferences1983FPSO
Matching Effectivities to Affordances in the Design of Jobs1985 GPD
Matters of Concern to Unions in the Democratization of Work1975FGPD
Meeting Changing Needs and Values1976FOEF
Extract from Searching – Group Dynamics1999MOEF
Merrelyn Emery and Open Systems Theory: A Practical, Contextual Social Science to Engage the World2016Don deGuerre & Philip DeeringBTS
Metaphors, Root Metaphors and Social Systems Thinking1984FPSO
Mobilizing Human Resources in the Valley1977FOEF
Modern Forms of Laissez-faire Organization2008M & Don deGuerreL-F
Normality questionnairen.d.MNQ
Notes for Trevor1982FWPD
Notes on Civilization2009MPSO
Notes on Conceptualizations2006ML-F
Notes on Contextualism1982FBTS
Notes on Crep Proposals1985FED
Notes on Crises and Design Principles2020MGPD
Notes on Parents Dream1984FOEF
Notes on Peirce and OST1982FBTS
Notes on Principles of Management1975FGPD
Off-Road Vehicles: A Look Toward the Future1976FOEF
On Behaving Purposefully1982FBTS
On Defining Systems, The New Wave in Systems Thinking and Words and Scientific Concepts1995FPSO
 -The ‘New’ Wave in Systems Thinking FPSO
 -Words and scientific concepts FPSO
Open Systems is Alive and Well1997MPSO
Organizational Responsibility for Individual Development1976FED
O.R., Systems Level and the ‘Operational Environment’1976FPSO
OST for the Younger Generations2024MN
Papers on Industrial Relations1973, 1976, 1994F&M et alGPD
Participative Design at the Organizational Level1993,MGPD
Participative Design: Work and Community Life1974F&MGPD
Part Laissez-faire: Old Concept and Modern Problem1988ML-F
Phil Herbst: Alternatives to Hierarchies1977F&MGPD
Producing an Educated Community1977FED
Project Teams: Some Background1977FGPD
Psychologists and the Major Problems of Society1988FPSO
Rationalizing Conflict2024M&FFTP
Reflection on “How to Put an Action Research Strategy into Practice?1987FPSO
Reflections on Monday 12/28/83 “More Interventions”1983FPSO
Regarding the Paper by Russ on “Mess Management”1983FPSO
Regional Strategies for Disaster Preparedness – Symposium EMCSR 20122012MCA
Reinstatement of Editorial Policy (Human Relations)1965FPSO
Replaying Rio for a New Planetary Culture: Associative, Joyful and Wise1995MOEF
Replies to Reviews of Vol II of The Tavistock Anthology by Passmore and Scarbrough (HR, 1995). Contrary Perspectives of Socio-Technical Theory1995FGPD  
Report of Normality Survey2023MCA
Responsibility and Social Change (The CCE and its Involvement in Social Change)1977F&MPSO
Review of ‘Emery, Fred: The Ideal Seeker‘ by Mark E. Hillon2024MBTS
Review of Goldsmith’s Ecology1990FPSO
Review of Stretton “The Political Science“: A Critique of Functionalism1982FPSO
Review of  The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity2024MPSO
Review of Tomkins Affect, Imagery, Consciousness1962FPSO
Rural Futures – Get the Drift1979FOEF
Sales Force Incentives by G. Holmes & N. Smith:
A Review by F.E. Emery
Self Managing Management of the Self Managing Organization: An Update2018MGPD  
Senge. Break-Throughs or Just the Guru’s Knocking1995FPSO
Solving the Ultra Processed Food Puzzle2024MN
Some of the Prospects for Australian Productivity1977FOEF
Some Thoughts on War1976FWPD
Sydney Mail Exchanges1993FGPD
Systems Thinking and Macro-Marketing1982FBTS
The Agenda for the Next Wave1985FGPD
The Baby and the Bath-Water: What is What in the Current Criticism of Science?n.d.FPSO
The Battle for Orillia1986MCPM
The Case Study Method1964FPSO
The Concept of TLC: Trainer, Leader, Coach1992ML-F
The Context1993MGPD
The Dark Side of Human Activity1995FGPD
The Design Principles and Laissez-faire: Logic and Pure and Applied Forms2008?M & Don deGuerreL-F
The Differences Between STS and Participative Design (PD)n.d.MGPD
The Evolution of Open Systems Theory2022MPSO
The Far Reaching Effects on the Design Principles2008MGPD
The Jury System and Participative Democracy1976FDTS
The Light on the Hill1989FGPD
The Management of Self-Managing Groups1989FGPD
The “Matrix” Organisation of Project Teams as a Mini Bureaucracy1977FGPD
The New Economics1997FPSO
The Open System: From Theory to Practice2024MFTP
The Open System: Learning about and using the L222024MFTP
The Open Systems View of People2024MFTP
The Renaissance1979FOEF
The Search Conference in the USA Today: Clarifying Some Confusions1994MPSO
The Social and Neurophysiological Effects of Television and Their Implications for Marketing Practice: An Investigation of Adaptation to the Cathode Ray Tube ( in 3 parts)1986MCPM
The Twentieth Century – How Should We Judge It?1995FWPD
Time Warps in Sociotechnical Systems: Social Science or Science Fiction?2024MGPD
Toward a Proper Role for Science and Scientist: An Outline for ANZAAS Paper 1973, Perth1973FPSO
Towards Real Democracy – Introduction1989FDTS
Towards Real Democracies1989FDTS
Trade Union Education1977FED
Two Faces of Privacy1976FOEF
UNIs and Continuing Education1995FED
Updated Edition of Part I of Searching, 19822020MOEF
Words and Scientific Concepts1995 PSO
Would the Real Participative Design Workshop (PDW) Stand Up Please?1998MGPD