Category | Key |
Behind the Scenes | BTS |
Communication, Perception and the Media | CPM |
Current Affairs | CA |
Democracy Throughout the System | DTS |
Did 9/11 Change the World | D9/11 |
Education | ED |
From Theory to Practice | FTP |
Laissez-faire | L-F |
News | N |
Normality Questionnaire | NQ |
OST, Environments and the Future | OEF |
Perspectives on Science and Other Theories | PSO |
The Genotypical Design Principles and Democratizing Organizations | GPD |
War, Peace and Defence | WPD |
Title | Date | Author | Category |
A | |||
A Case Study in Setting Organizational Objectives | 1977 | F | ED |
A Choice of Futures: To Enlighten or Inform | 1976 | F&M | CPM |
Action Research | 1990 | PSO | |
Afterwards | 2010 | M | OEF |
Again, Screens Inhibit Learning: It’s the Medium Not the Message | 2025 | M | CPM |
A New Universal Principle? Yes, It’s DP2 Again – With Numbers | 2024 | M | GPD |
A Patchwork of Contradictions and Confusions: Inside the Software Industry | 2023 | M | CA |
A Profession Confronts its Future | 1977 | F | OEF |
Are There Universal Principles Governing Architecture in the Mechanical, Biological and Social Realms? The Evidence so Far. | 2003 | M | GPD |
A Tavistock Anthology: Vol II: The Socio-Technical Perspective and Vol III: The Socio-Ecological Perspective | 1995 | F | PSO |
B | |||
Basic Propositions of Social Systems Thinking | 1984 | F | BTS |
BOJE, G.A. Interview for J. of Technology & Management | 1997 | F | PSO |
‘Bowling for Columbine’: So Why is the USA So Insecure? | 2003 | M | OEF |
Brief Refutation of Efforts to Establish a Third Organizational Design Principle | 2022 | M | GPD |
C | |||
Change, Resistance to It in the Software Industry and Overcoming It | 2023 | M | CA |
Comments on Eilon’s Editorial The Quality of Working Life | 1976 | F | GPD |
Comments on Notes From K. Koffka: Problems in the Psychology of Art | 1961 | F | BTS |
Communication, Perception and the Media (Intro) | 2018 | M | CPM |
Contextualism | 1983 | F | BTS |
Contradiction and Contextualism: An Exploration | 1988 | F | PSO |
Contradictions at the Heart of America’s Democracy | 2024 | M | CA |
D | |||
Democracy in the Workplace: The Regulation of Semi-Autonomous Work Groups | 1983? | F | GPD |
Democracy Throughout the System (Intro) | 1993 | M | DTS |
Democratizing Organizations | n.d. | M | GPD |
Did 9/11 Change the World? Tracking the Future | 2021 | M | D9/11 |
Digital Technologies, the State of the Social Environment and the Human Mind | 2023 | M | CA |
Directions in Secondary Education: A Statistical Evaluation | 1986 | F | ED |
Directive Correlation for Planning, Explanation and Prediction | 2022 | M | OEF |
Dissipative Structures and Complex Environments | 1982 | F | PSO |
E | |||
Economics as a Systems Science | 1996 | F | PSO |
Education and Dialogue | 1988 | F | ED |
Education –intro to section | n.d. | M | ED |
Educational Paradigms: An Epistemological Revolution | 1980 | F | CPM |
F | |||
Fiction vs Reality: Compete Unto Death vs Cooperate to Survive: Human Nature vs B=PxE. | 2020 | M | GPD |
Fred Emery: Creator of Timeless Work From a Timeless Land | 2016 | M | BTS |
Fred Emery’s Notes on Field Theory –Review of Lewin | 1990 | F | PSO |
-Field theory, truth and beauty | 1995 | F | PSO |
-Reminiscences of J F Brown | 1994 | F | PSO |
Freedom From Hunger – Some Obserservations | 1977 | OEF | |
Further Learnings About Participative Design: Diversity and Flexibility | 1988 | M | GPD |
Futures We’re In | 1977 1998 | F | OEF |
G | |||
Getting to Grips with the Great ‘Small Group’ Conspiracy | 1978 | M | L-F |
H | |||
Hookway on Peirce: An Overview | n.d. | F | PSO |
How Fred and Merrelyn Emery Didn’t Get into The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers | 2018 | M with Don deGuerre & Philip Deering | BTS |
Human Resources Available to Service a National Program for Improvement in the Quality of Work Life | 1976 | F | GPD |
Human Resources Management | 1990 | F | GPD |
I | |||
Ideological or Idea-Logical | 1977 | F | PSO |
Industrial Democracy and Regional Decentralization | 1976 | F | DTS |
Industrial Democracy and the CAEs: An Overview | 1977 | F | ED |
Industry Councils: Comments on One Aspect of the Jackson Report | 1976 | F | DTS |
Integrating Two-by-Two and Letter | 1986 | F | PSO |
Letter to Dr. David Wadley | PSO | ||
Introduction to Laissez-faire: The Third Option That Completes the Organizational Design Set | 2018 | M | L-F |
Introduction to OST, Environments and the Future | 2019 | M | OEF |
Introduction to Participative Design for Participative Democracy | 1989 | M | GPD |
Introduction to Participative Design for Participative Democracy | 1993 | M | GPD |
Introduction to Perspectives on Science and Other Theories | 2018 | M | PSO |
Introduction to PhD | 2019 | M | CPM |
J | |||
Jaques’ Concept of Requisite Organization | 1990 | F | PSO |
Job Design and Industrial Democracy | 1977 | F | GPD |
L | |||
Lecture 18 | 1991 | F | DTS |
Letter to Al re: Signs Becoming Sighs | 1982 | F | PSO |
Letter to Arn | 1988 | F | ED |
Letter to Arn | 1988 | F | WPD |
Letter to Eric Trist: After 5th College and K.R. Plan | 1961 | F | BTS |
Letter to Ian Burns re: Education Invitation | 1988 | F | ED |
Letter to Jim Turner re: Changing Definitions of Education | 1988 | F | ED |
Letter to John Barton re: Systems Thinking | 1995 | F | PSO |
Letter to John Raven re: Choice of Futures | 1987 | F | OEF |
Letter to Oguz Baburoglu | 1987 | F | BTS |
-Second Letter to Oguz Baburoglu | 1987 | F | BTS |
Letter to Per: Development in Norway | 1987 | F | BTS |
Letter to Professor Greer | 1987 | F | GPD |
Letter to Robert Kleiner | 1988 | F | PSO |
Letter to SA Wheelan re: Advances in Field Theory | 1990 | F | PSO |
Letters to Hans Van Beinum | 1990 | F | GPD |
Limits to Choice – Part One: Youth – Vangard, Victims or the New Vandals…? – Part Two: Talking Past Each Other – Part Three: The Fifth Wave? Embarking on the Next Forty Years | 1978 | F | OEF |
M | |||
Management by Objectives | 1990 | F | GPD |
Managing the Learning – In Search Conferences | 1983 | F | PSO |
Matching Effectivities to Affordances in the Design of Jobs | 1985 | GPD | |
Matters of Concern to Unions in the Democratization of Work | 1975 | F | GPD |
Meeting Changing Needs and Values | 1976 | F | OEF |
Extract from Searching – Group Dynamics | 1999 | M | OEF |
Merrelyn Emery and Open Systems Theory: A Practical, Contextual Social Science to Engage the World | 2016 | Don deGuerre & Philip Deering | BTS |
Metaphors, Root Metaphors and Social Systems Thinking | 1984 | F | PSO |
Mobilizing Human Resources in the Valley | 1977 | F | OEF |
Modern Forms of Laissez-faire Organization | 2008 | M & Don deGuerre | L-F |
N | |||
Normality questionnaire | n.d. | M | NQ |
Notes for Trevor | 1982 | F | WPD |
Notes on Civilization | 2009 | M | PSO |
Notes on Conceptualizations | 2006 | M | L-F |
Notes on Contextualism | 1982 | F | BTS |
Notes on Crep Proposals | 1985 | F | ED |
Notes on Crises and Design Principles | 2020 | M | GPD |
Notes on Parents Dream | 1984 | F | OEF |
Notes on Peirce and OST | 1982 | F | BTS |
Notes on Principles of Management | 1975 | F | GPD |
O | |||
Off-Road Vehicles: A Look Toward the Future | 1976 | F | OEF |
On Behaving Purposefully | 1982 | F | BTS |
On Defining Systems, The New Wave in Systems Thinking and Words and Scientific Concepts | 1995 | F | PSO |
-The ‘New’ Wave in Systems Thinking | F | PSO | |
-Words and scientific concepts | F | PSO | |
Open Systems is Alive and Well | 1997 | M | PSO |
Organizational Responsibility for Individual Development | 1976 | F | ED |
O.R., Systems Level and the ‘Operational Environment’ | 1976 | F | PSO |
OST for the Younger Generations | 2024 | M | N |
P | |||
Papers on Industrial Relations | 1973, 1976, 1994 | F&M et al | GPD |
Participative Design at the Organizational Level | 1993, | M | GPD |
Participative Design: Work and Community Life | 1974 | F&M | GPD |
Part Laissez-faire: Old Concept and Modern Problem | 1988 | M | L-F |
Phil Herbst: Alternatives to Hierarchies | 1977 | F&M | GPD |
Producing an Educated Community | 1977 | F | ED |
Project Teams: Some Background | 1977 | F | GPD |
Psychologists and the Major Problems of Society | 1988 | F | PSO |
R | |||
Rationalizing Conflict | 2024 | M&F | FTP |
Reflection on “How to Put an Action Research Strategy into Practice?“ | 1987 | F | PSO |
Reflections on Monday 12/28/83 “More Interventions” | 1983 | F | PSO |
Regarding the Paper by Russ on “Mess Management” | 1983 | F | PSO |
Regional Strategies for Disaster Preparedness – Symposium EMCSR 2012 | 2012 | M | CA |
Reinstatement of Editorial Policy (Human Relations) | 1965 | F | PSO |
Replaying Rio for a New Planetary Culture: Associative, Joyful and Wise | 1995 | M | OEF |
Replies to Reviews of Vol II of The Tavistock Anthology by Passmore and Scarbrough (HR, 1995). Contrary Perspectives of Socio-Technical Theory | 1995 | F | GPD |
Report of Normality Survey | 2023 | M | CA |
Responsibility and Social Change (The CCE and its Involvement in Social Change) | 1977 | F&M | PSO |
Review of ‘Emery, Fred: The Ideal Seeker‘ by Mark E. Hillon | 2024 | M | BTS |
Review of Goldsmith’s Ecology | 1990 | F | PSO |
Review of Stretton “The Political Science“: A Critique of Functionalism | 1982 | F | PSO |
Review of The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity | 2024 | M | PSO |
Review of Tomkins Affect, Imagery, Consciousness | 1962 | F | PSO |
Rural Futures – Get the Drift | 1979 | F | OEF |
S | |||
Sales Force Incentives by G. Holmes & N. Smith: A Review by F.E. Emery | 1988 | F | PSO |
Self Managing Management of the Self Managing Organization: An Update | 2018 | M | GPD |
Senge. Break-Throughs or Just the Guru’s Knocking | 1995 | F | PSO |
Solving the Ultra Processed Food Puzzle | 2024 | M | N |
Some of the Prospects for Australian Productivity | 1977 | F | OEF |
Some Thoughts on War | 1976 | F | WPD |
Sydney Mail Exchanges | 1993 | F | GPD |
Systems Thinking and Macro-Marketing | 1982 | F | BTS |
T | |||
The Agenda for the Next Wave | 1985 | F | GPD |
The Baby and the Bath-Water: What is What in the Current Criticism of Science? | n.d. | F | PSO |
The Battle for Orillia | 1986 | M | CPM |
The Case Study Method | 1964 | F | PSO |
The Concept of TLC: Trainer, Leader, Coach | 1992 | M | L-F |
The Context | 1993 | M | GPD |
The Dark Side of Human Activity | 1995 | F | GPD |
The Design Principles and Laissez-faire: Logic and Pure and Applied Forms | 2008? | M & Don deGuerre | L-F |
The Differences Between STS and Participative Design (PD) | n.d. | M | GPD |
The Evolution of Open Systems Theory | 2022 | M | PSO |
The Far Reaching Effects on the Design Principles | 2008 | M | GPD |
The Jury System and Participative Democracy | 1976 | F | DTS |
The Light on the Hill | 1989 | F | GPD |
The Management of Self-Managing Groups | 1989 | F | GPD |
The “Matrix” Organisation of Project Teams as a Mini Bureaucracy | 1977 | F | GPD |
The New Economics | 1997 | F | PSO |
The Open System: From Theory to Practice | 2024 | M | FTP |
The Open System: Learning about and using the L22 | 2024 | M | FTP |
The Open Systems View of People | 2024 | M | FTP |
The Renaissance | 1979 | F | OEF |
The Search Conference in the USA Today: Clarifying Some Confusions | 1994 | M | PSO |
The Social and Neurophysiological Effects of Television and Their Implications for Marketing Practice: An Investigation of Adaptation to the Cathode Ray Tube ( in 3 parts) | 1986 | M | CPM |
The Twentieth Century – How Should We Judge It? | 1995 | F | WPD |
Time Warps in Sociotechnical Systems: Social Science or Science Fiction? | 2024 | M | GPD |
Toward a Proper Role for Science and Scientist: An Outline for ANZAAS Paper 1973, Perth | 1973 | F | PSO |
Towards Real Democracy – Introduction | 1989 | F | DTS |
Towards Real Democracies | 1989 | F | DTS |
Trade Union Education | 1977 | F | ED |
Two Faces of Privacy | 1976 | F | OEF |
U | |||
UNIs and Continuing Education | 1995 | F | ED |
Updated Edition of Part I of Searching, 1982 | 2020 | M | OEF |
W | |||
Words and Scientific Concepts | 1995 | PSO | |
Would the Real Participative Design Workshop (PDW) Stand Up Please? | 1998 | M | GPD |