OST, Environments and the Future

Introduction to this Section

Merrelyn Emery, September 2019

One of the difficulties in trying to break a comprehensive conceptual framework and body of work such as OST into relatively manageable sections is where to best make the breaks. Because it is so highly internally consistent, most works employ several fundamental concepts and principles and of course, cross disciplinary boundaries. The break points chosen are primarily pragmatic centring on the main purpose of the work.

Fred Emery Collection: Limits to Choice

Fred Emery

Part One: Youth – Vangard, Victims or the New Vandals…?

Part Two: Talking Past Each Other

Part Three: The Fifth Wave? Embarking on the Next Forty Years

The social transformation envisaged in the original collection of papers is already well underway in Australia. A close check of those papers has not, however, revealed any need for extensive revision. The problems that were then identified remain as relevant as ever.

Futures We’re In

Fred Emery

We are pleased to finally be able to republish Fred’s book called Futures We’re In (1977) which has been out of print for many years. This is actually its fourth attempt at publication including its updating and retyping in 1998. At each of these latter stages previous mistakes have been corrected and new ones introduced. Given these various vicissitudes some parts of it have been scanned and corrected from the PDF so it may appear uneven in places.  Hopefully, and we can always hope, this edition is reasonably error free.

The book marked several milestones such as containing the much more fully worked out interrelated theories of active adaptation and of ideals and ideal seeking. Like all knowledge in OST, some parts of it have been superseded by later publications which took that work on ideals and maladaptions further and into their practical applications. However, the new thinking and logic introduced in FWI make it a classic which once again is easy to access.

Updated Edition of Part I of Searching, 1982

Merrelyn Emery, November 2020

This is not a revision of the whole of Searching (1982) because Parts II and III were concerned with the conceptual tools for the ‘barefoot social scientist’ and practicing the new paradigm. This latter consisted of the detailed theory and practice of the Search Conference and the Participative Design Workshop as they were developed at that stage and a variety of examples of variations on a theme including a first design of a Search training workshop. Part III concluded with a first draft of an exposition of participative learning as the base for an indirect approach to diffusion. If the reader wants details of any of the examples analyzed, such as the Futures Direction Conference, they can consult the original.

Replaying Rio for a New Planetary Culture: Associative, Joyful and Wise

Merrelyn Emery, 1995

The concepts and principles built into OST can be used to design any event so that it is effective and efficient in achieving its purposes. The original Rio conference was supposed to be a turning point in achieving a return to an adaptive relationship with our planet. Unfortunately it failed. This paper explains why, and how we could replay it to actually achieve those purposes. It is not yet too late folks.

‘Bowling for Columbine’: So Why is the USA So Insecure?

Merrelyn Emery, 2003

This paper was written after some colleagues and I watched Michael Moore’s film Bowling for Columbine in Montreal. It analyzes some of the key, and contradictory, forces underlying the USA’s character or ‘personality’ which appears to lead to its outbreaks of violence and unease. Collectively these forces help account for the insurrection on 6 January 2021 when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

The Renaissance

Fred Emery, 1979

This is a talk to engineers as it was given. It deals with the changing nature of the world they are likely to encounter and the implications of that for how they will have to work

Notes on Parents Dream

Fred Emery, 1984

This paper was written for the Scanner, an American newspaper. It is primarily concerned with the baby boomers generation and their quite different demands of work. They are no longer satisfied with the old social contract but also demand high quality work that delivers the psychological requirements for productive activity, the ‘6 criteria” encoded into the Norwegian Work Environment Law.

Directive Correlation for Planning, Explanation and Prediction

Merrelyn Emery, 2022

While people can readily understand how to use the concept of directive correlation as a tool for planning, they can find it more difficult to see how it can be used to explain and predict. This little example of family dynamics over time illustrates how it can be done quantitatively and quite precisely.


Merrelyn Emery, 2010

When the ruins of our industrialized society lie scattered across the planet there will be a few picking amongst the rubble, trying to eke out their lives. Inevitably there will be a constant theme running through all the discussions as people collect to shelter at night – that theme will encompass a thousand whys?

Meeting Changing Needs and Values

Fred Emery, 1976

This is an article which in many ways is strangely appropriate for our time despite the fact it was written nearly 50 years ago. It begins with an analysis of the problem of inflation from the vantage point of Bion’s groups assumptions, dynamics. Fred makes the case that with our rapidly changing values and ideals as they were then, what was required was no less than a cultural revolution. As many readers are probably not familiar with Bion’s work, I have attached an extract from Searching, 1999, with the most up to date appreciation of these important dynamics. It should be noted that Fred’s understanding of pairing at the time was a predominantly positive one, a prelude to creativity. That view is now only partially supported.

Off-Road Vehicles: A Look Toward the Future

Fred Emery, 1976

Fred was asked to review the papers given at this symposium, not just as a review or a summary but with the purpose of contextualizing them in the light of the wider social trends taking place at the time. This entailed a look at the changes in the social field which could affect the whole area of off road vehicles into the future. In this sense it is a classic example of how to conduct a qualitative future analysis, so different from the more common system oriented appraisal which is so limited in time and scope. One of the major problems that emerged concerned the safeguarding of our national estate, the environment, at a time when environmental concerns were picking up.

Two Faces of Privacy

Fred Emery, 1976

This was a very early wake up call about one of our major maladaptions, dissociation, the retreat into privatization, private lives. Even before we had any hard data about the arrival of dissociation in Australia, Fred had noted the increasing prevalence and pathology of this voluntary withdrawal into a private life. He highlighted its malevolence by comparing it with the better known form of privacy, protecting our lives and data from external perusal. This is an early thorough analysis of the aetiology of dissociation with its relationship to relevant uncertainly. It foreshadowed the much more comprehensive accumulation of data over time presented in Did 9/11 change the world? Tracking the future – on this website.

A Profession Confronts its Future

Fred Emery, 1977

This is a paper Fred delivered to a conference of consulting engineers on the choice they were, and would increasingly, confront in the future about the advice to give clients. This centred on the choice of basic design principle underlying the client’s organizational structure. Respecting their nature as engineers, this paper goes into considerable detail about these principles and their consequences.

An ALP Programme 1977 Onwards – As the Medium Becomes the Message

Fred Emery, 1977

This is as early indication of Fred’s growing disappointment with the ALP, years before he delivered the Light on the Hill paper (1988).  It had proved slow, reluctant or recalcitrant in moving from their old emphasis purely on wages and conditions to embrace the more recent and revolutionary evidence of the power of the second design principle to produce the conditions for general human fulfillment at work.  By 1977 there had been built up a huge body of evidence that in the new system, workers did actually enjoy dignity, psychological satisfaction and growth as well as better physical conditions plus skill based pay. It was also clear that it was only in DP2 structures that people were really free to pursue ideals that if taken seriously by the ALP would have given it an injection of enthusiasm and new hope as it sought to re-energize its platform.

Freedom From Hunger – Some Observations

Fred Emery, 1977

These are brief notes to the Freedom from Hunger organization re their effectiveness. They centre on the crucial role of a sensing function in an organization, an important reminder to all organizations.

Some of the Prospects for Australian Productivity

Fred Emery, 1977

A wide ranging discussion of several factors contributing to productivity leading to the desirability of an industrial extension service similar to our ag extension services that keep farmers up to date with recent research in the field. Needed just as much today as it was then.

Rural Futures – Get the Drift

Fred Emery, 1979

These are notes taken from Fred’s seminar to the 1979 Rural Youth Convention. They examine the cycles of drift to and from the cities to the land, and the cultural and other trends involved in these drifts. In particular he looks at the cycles of energy generation and use with the likelihood that we would need to shorten the chain between what is produced and the market.

Mobilizing Human Resources in the Valley

Fred Emery, 1977

This paper begins by examining the growing unwillingness of people to be organized by others, the ‘normal’ state of affairs. It is a symptom of the increasing erosion of institutional legitimacy around the world. Fred gives an explanation of the reasons for this. This leads to a proposed set of steps to overcome these problems in the development of the Murray Valley and a particular emphasis on the need to involve youth front and centre.

Letter to John Raven re: Choice of Futures

Fred Emery, 1987

Fred delves into his well informed belief that psychology needs to reform itself to attend to the major problems in a society. Encapsulated within the Skinner Box or the Clinic, psych requires emancipation to be able to work with people as they jointly act to produce the sort of society and its communities that its people desire. It includes an abstract for the paper he will deliver.